How to Choose the Best Baling Wire Supplier

There’s a universe of baling wire suppliers out there but not even a galaxy of good ones. An online search can return dozens of results and leave you no closer to a solution. False advertising has been a problem in the U.S. at least since the Civil War when profiteers cheated the Union Army out of their money by selling sick mules, lame horses, sawdust for gunpowder, and rotted ships painted to look new. Last year, the government recovered $2.8 billion in damages from cases of this kind.

In any competitive industry, there are going to be people making dubious claims. And baling wire is no different. Whether it’s the salesman telling you your machine requires a specific brand of wire to function or offering you prices that just seem too good to be true. Above all, everyone’s claiming to be the best baling wire supplier. This is just one reason why it’s so important to find a genuinely credible supplier and establish a strong working relationship with them as soon as possible. But how do you know when you’ve found the right baling wire supplier?

They don’t import inferior products

The U.S. baling market is flooded with bulk-imported Chinese wire. Suppliers can and will sell this on to you at relatively low costs, which can be an attractive proposition for anyone looking to increase their bottom line. However, going down this pathway is like making a pact with the devil. You’re majorly increasing the likelihood of machine downtime and breakages in the long run. And both these things can seriously threaten employee safety in the wrong working environment.

They offer high-grade wire

Whatever your supplier tells you, always double-check the gauge and tensile strength of the wire before forking over your hard-earned cash. As a rule of thumb, thicker wires will be capable of holding heavier loads, but a lot also depends on the manufacturing process. For example, our galvanized steel wires are coated with the perfect amount of zinc meaning they will not degrade and rust over time. Similarly, we individually anneal (heat and cool) each and every strand of our black annealed box wire and carefully wax it at the end of the process to limit wear and tear in baling.

They sell in bulk

The best suppliers will be able to offer you a constant spool of wire to keep your bales bound. They may also offer you a modest discount into the bargain when you buy with them regularly.

They tell the truth

The best suppliers know all the various machine requirements and can answer your every query. They’ll automatically know which type of wire to use for the task in hand. More to the point, when it comes to making a sale, they’ll avoid any gamesmanship. The best supplier will always lay out the different options before you and help you to make the right purchase without putting any pressure on you.

At Baling Wire Direct, we sell only honest high-grade U.S. manufactured baling wire for a range of commercial balers. Whatever your needs, you’ll find nothing but good old American steel on our website.

Baling wire products we offer

Baling Wire Direct sells the following high-quality baling wire products.